is a documentary directed by Chris Hegedus and Jehane Noujiam, that follows two friends, Kaleil Tuzman and Tom Herman, on their goal to achieving a website portal that allows citizens in local communities to access, or pay for city services, jobs or receive community information. This movie is your typical documentary will very bad camera shakes and mediocre editing skills ( but we can argue about that later). But overall it is a great documentary and in my opinion a great film to look back on the see the rise and fall of a company. As Govworks (before it known as Public Data Systems) just began to start it only started out with a grand total of 8 employees. Govworks came into play to pay or apply for city services , jobs or receive city information. was inspired by Tuzman after he found an old parking ticket in his apartment. The service delivery for was made to offer the service that allowed people to pay for their parking fees through a internet portal. In matter of a few months the company raised its employment by about 20 people and by the end of October 1998 there was 70 people working for GovWorks. The business as a whole was gaining ground and things would get better from there. Tuzam was making deals with big investing companies and gaining trust. But something soon went wrong, and it went all downhill from their. On the day of their website exposure, there were a few bugs still concurrent in the website. and they were not able to launch Govworks unfortunately. As after a awhile Govworks filed for bankruptcy around March 2001.
All in all this documentary is a must see in my opinion, if one would like to see the rise and fall of a company this films could help to understand what to and what not to do. As there are many lessons that can be taught throughout this movie and hopefully through that you will not make the same mistake
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